City Has More Leather Groups Than People



With the formation of the latest group, Boys in Leather Who Support Girls in Leather, the Los Angeles area has finally reached a critical threshold where there are actually more leather groups than there are people in the local lifestyle.

According to Master Chip, 47, the frenzy of group creation started in early 2013 and was the product of a handful of people who “felt the need to belong to everything.” As Master Chip described it “any time there was the announcement of a new leather group forming anywhere, one person in particular would need to create a local version of the group, get others to join, and elect herself president.”

With the formation of the latest group, this self-proclaimed “power slave” has created more than 1200 leather groups and serves as president of 1185 of them, including some which she is not even qualified to belong. The local community population is calculated to only be 1199 active lifestyle leather practitioners, making it officially outnumbered by groups.

When asked for comment, she declined an interview as she was “too busy currently setting up her 37th MAsT chapter which she will lead starting later this month.”

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