Actor Who Portrayed “Kinky Leather Man” Goes Back to Waiting Tables


Hollywood, Kansas

Toby Heath, out-of-work actor most widely known for his role as “Kinky Leather Man” in a recent episode of CSI has returned to waiting tables in an area restaurant. Heath, who also has been seen in Viagra Spot #118 and background performances in Avengers: Endgame and Night at the Museum, is disheartened. Heath spoke to The Daily Flogger outside Cask & Prime, an industrial space turned reclaimed wood and iron hipster eatery in the Arts District.

A Q&A with the actor:

Daily Flogger: Tell us about your experience in this role. 

Heath: I really got into Kinky Leather Man. The writers on CSI had a really edgy episode about a girl that died in a BDSM club. They think it’s an auto-asphyxiation thing but it has a pretty surprising twist! As Kinky Leather Man I had this great walk-on part where I got to glower at the forensic techs in the scene. It was pretty intense.

Daily Flogger: What did you do to prepare for your role?

Heath: Well, I ready Daily Flogger, of course! (smiles) I found this very unique social media site called FetLife. There I created a fictitious account. I’m an actor you know, and I wanted my real identity–they say “vanilla”–anonymous. Anyway, I learned so much about the “lifestyle” and the things people do and are into. It really helped get me in the head of Kinky Leather Man.

Daily Flogger: How did your research affect your character?

Heath: Oh, it manifested itself in the swagger. I mean, there are so many people on that site that just have sex, sex, sex. I think it’s mostly consensual, which in this day and age seems really important! There’s a lot of BDSM activity that leads up to the sex, so I had to think about what Kinky Leather Man would be into, you know? 

Daily Flogger: In a screen grab from the episode I see you’re holding a moose flogger with a 20″ fall. 

Heath: Is that what it was? I don’t know, the prop lady just handed it to me.

Daily Flogger: What else did you do to prepare?

Heath: There were a lot of…uh…explicit photos on that FetLife site, so I “prepared” a lot! (winks)

Daily Flogger: Any advice you want to give for aspiring actors who have to take on such challenging roles?

Heath: In my case, it’s all about understanding your subject. As Kinky Leather Man, I had to really project the anger, filth, and dejected nature of all those guys I researched on FetLife. Getting that misogynistic glare just right took a lot of time in front of the mirror.

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