BDSM Activist Boycotts Shibari Class



Kitty Klaws, a longtime activist and sex worker has taken up the cause of boycotting all classes that teach bondage using rope.

“Hemp, jute, cotton, or nylon. It is all rope. And rope is just one letter away from rape and that is too close. It’s just too close.”

Klaws, 36, is an outspoken advocate for rape survivors and speaks widely on issues of consent and rape culture.

Holding a sign that said “ROPE IS RIPE FOR RAPE” Krews said she was concerned about how similar the words were and why kind of confusion it might produce in the minds of men. “If they think rope is OK, how long until they start to believe rape is OK. It is just one vowel away.”

Another protester, knowing only as Grrrrrr, agreed with the basic premise. “Rape culture uses language, therefore language is a part of rape culture. And when you teach classes basically saying rape is OK, rape is fun, rape is sexy, you are sending the message to women that they should hate themselves.”

Klaws says it is the same thing we saw with rap music. “Rap is just rape without the e. Everyone knows rap is misogynstic.”

Photo credit: cathredfern CC: NC

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