New Conference Announced “LeatherFest XIX: Narcisistic Supply”
The United Leather Coalition announced the theme of this year’s LeatherFest conference, “Narcissistic Supply.” According to Frazier McNeal, one of the conference organizers, the conference will address a key question…
Commentary: Where are all the Real Dommes?
I’ve been a submissive male for as long as I can remember and I have spent a lot of time constructing some very elaborate and specific fantasies about what female…
Taking About Kink Replaces Kink as Number One Fetish Activity
LOS ANGELES, CANADA In a recent survey of Male Dominants, “talking about kink” scored as the top activity for lifestyle participants. More than 85% of those surveyed confessed a love…
New Workshop Announced: Masters Mastering Mastery
PORT HURON, ARIZONA This weekend, a small group met at a local dungeon to hear 6 BDSM Masters talk about their journey to “master mastery.” Helmut Pringle, a 22 year…
Submissive Man Polite; Domme Faints
Mistress Kassandra Kruel thought she had heard it all. A professional Dominatrix for nearly 15 years, she has catered to every kink, fetish and fantasy known to man. But Saturday…