Local Man Confused by MaST Meeting



Julian Peckingham, 48, was shocked to discover that his local MaST meeting was not a group of dedicated sailors, but participants in the leather lifestyle.

“The flyer I saw didn’t have any information,” Peckingham said, “it just gave a time and location.  I figured anyone that was into masts, must at least own a boat and love sailing.”

Members of the MaST group, who have been meeting for the past 5 years found the misunderstanding humorous.  “I guess it is kind of our own fault for not being more explicit,” Kevin, a 35 year old switch told The Daily Flogger “We also have a pretty ambiguous name.  Nobody is blaming Julian for the misunderstanding.”

Peckingham was amused, but said that leather and BDSM was “just not his thing,” but he added that he was interested in checking out the shibari group meeting in the same space next week.

“I am a sailor, after all, and I love rope and tying knots,” he told The Flogger, “so how can I not give that a try?”

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